But everybody and their dog is trying to get me to maintain my photos on my computer with their software. There's adobe, google, and now the ws_ftp people emailed me about this. Enough, already!
Photo Maintenance
But everybody and their dog is trying to get me to maintain my photos on my computer with their software. There's adobe, google, and now the ws_ftp people emailed me about this. Enough, already!
The greatest period in all American history
Maybe there never was before, and never will again be such a moment for fresh changes in the American Government. The Republican party has just won…
My feed URL has changed
If anyone here follows my personal blog with a feed reader, you'll have to change the feed URL manually. The old URL can't redirect to the new one.…
Progress on my Google+ and LJ backups
Since Google is going to shut down Google+, I decided it was time to really make a home for my LiveJournal backup and my Google+ backup. Working…
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