David (dblume) wrote,

Loss of Innocence

Sometimes, we just have to make our own mistakes. There's just no talking us out of it.

I'm putting my hand into that fire. You can't stop me.

I haven't done it yet, this may be my last LiveJournal post before the experience. I may be a different man: sullen, empty, disillusioned the next time you hear from me.

I've never seen a Uwe Boll flick.

But how can I resist a hot scantily-clad nazi-fighting vampire? Billy Zane, Michelle Rodriguez, Sir Ben Kingsley and Meat Loaf all signed on. Am I better than them?


Who am I to cast aspersions? I'll believe! If the SciFi channel can succeed by making silly B movies without shame, I'll give this movie a chance. It can't be that bad.
Tags: movies

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