David (dblume) wrote,

Scrap of paper: NetGear WNDR3700 + WD TV Live

 I've got a scrap of paper on my desk I need to clear away.  So I'm filing it here.  Eventually, I'm going to replace my Home WDS (made from a couple of WRT-54Gs with DD-WRT installed).

Somebody on a podcast (Maybe NPR's Science Friday) around Christmas time recommended looking into the Netgear WNDR 3700 and the Western Digital WD TV Live.  But then again, the TWiT folks at CES just mentioned the Boxee Box and one other product they really liked.  (Note to self: It'll probably be transcribed here when the transcription is eventually done.)

Of course, in a couple of weeks, I'll probably be fawning over a certain slate computer.  We'll see.  But for now:

Scrap of paper? Discarded.
Information that was on it? Much more retrievable and actionable.
Tags: geek, web

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